Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cancer Survivor..

...that is what I am comfortable with calling my husband, as of yesterday!!!

It has been a very long year but, yesterday, we received incredible news from his follow-up appointment and let's just say, miracles DO happen! I know we are not the only ones who have had cancer dropped into our lives and I know there are many of you who are hurting for other reasons that I will never know. I feel led to share this a beautiful video with you (below). Being where we are today, I can attest to everything Stacey Kramer says in this video. I am blessed that throughout his entire fight with cancer, my husband has had a wonderful, positive attitude. I believe this attitude combined with the prayer warriors that we have had surrounding us through his journey have brought us to where we are today.

Whatever your trial is be it now or down the road, ask for help when you need it. Reach out to your friends and family - they want to assist and need to know what is the best way to do that. Don't be afraid to tell them. Enjoy the meals dropped off to you, and the offers to help. Be kind to your caregiver - it hurts them to see you going through what you are experiencing. They want to help you. Let them. : ) Reach out to others who have been through the same thing - there are incredible support groups out there - many of which are online. Use them. You are not alone and there are others who know exactly how you feel. Sometimes that is all you need to know to feel better on the rough days.

Now to the video. It is only three minutes long and it is a beautiful parable.

I should be done these serious posts. Really. Truly.

Have a great day. Enjoy your families and friends and remember that nothing in this world is guaranteed. Don't let cancer (insert your trial here) be the thing that puts your priorities in place.

Blessings to you all.  

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, comments and inspirations. My request is that all posts remain family-friendly. Have a balloontastic day!