I had the pleasure of getting to know Dana, after an event where I had twisted balloons for her children - she realized that I frequented the Dunkin Donuts that she was working at at the time. Her smiling face would hand me my coffee in the morning. : ) From that point, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Dana on Facebook and was invited to twist balloons for her son's birthday last year. Thanks, Dana!
Dana is one busy and awesome lady. That passion of hers (yep, you need to read it) - is one that made me smile. Believe it or not, she won two more things this week and her daughter won a bike!!! - I guess she has her mother's luck. Enjoy reading about Dana and have a blessed day. Thank you for stopping by.

Are you a dog or a cat person? Dog person
What is your favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms are my favorite topping.
Did you play sports or a band instrument in high school? I played field hockey in school.
What do you think came first, the chicken or the egg? I think the chicken came before the egg.
What would you like readers to know about you personally? I am a fun loving person who loves to have fun. I'm always making people laugh just by what I do or something I say.

What is your business? What "do you do?" I work for the YMCA doing the before and after care at Monocacy Elementary Center and I also work at Daniel Boone Middle School in the cafeteria.
Who is your greatest supporter in your life and work? I think my mom is my greatest supporter. She has always been there for me no matter what I have done in my life.

Who or what inspires you? My kids inspire me. They mean the world to me. No matter what they say or do I will always love them.

What is your favorite quote? Live Life to the fullest because you don't know what could happen tomorrow.
How can people reach you?
Email: Dana29mo @aol.com
Facebook: Dana Jurist Wilkinson
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Creating Exciting Balloon Memories, LLC
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, comments and inspirations. My request is that all posts remain family-friendly. Have a balloontastic day!