Friday, April 10, 2009

Ahoy there mateys.....

I've been practicing for a pirate birthday party that I'm working this weekend.
Balloon Heart Jr. is my model, once again. I also practiced the fairy wings.


  1. Love the bird and pirate hat!! I am just getting started and love your blog!!! Is your pirate stuff original designs or did you get them elsewhere? My boys would love them!!!

  2. Hello, JM - Princess! Thank you! The bird, fairy wings and wand are all Don Caldwell's Designs - he has AMAZING DVD's. The pirate hat, although I've seen others with the same design, I came up with on my own at the time and like it a lot - still use it now. I've been doing this about a year and a half and have purchased many, many DVDs, which is how I have learned so much. They are worth every penny. I have many I haven't watched yet but when I need something, I use them as reference - works great. Enjoy learning - it is such a wonderfully fun skill to have!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, comments and inspirations. My request is that all posts remain family-friendly. Have a balloontastic day!