Are you a dog or a cat person? Neither-- more of a shark person.
What is your favorite pizza topping? Fresh mozzerella, roma tomatoes, and basil.
What activities did you participate in high school? Drama-- and my part always had the word "little" in front of it since I'm not even 5 feet tall.
What do you think came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken.
Tell us about your family. They're wonderful. My college sweetheart and I have 3 beautiful children and our favorite thing is being outside at a park together. We love little quirky traditions like carpet picnic!
What would you like readers to know about you personally? That I'm all about Jesus-- my relationship with Him is the most important thing in my life. On a completely different note, my favorite color is black and I hate tuna fish!

What is the best part of your job/duties? The best part of teaching my kids is being there when they succeed and watching their excitement or reading a book together as a family-- just great! What I love about 31 us it gets me out of the house, allows me to meet all sorts of wonderful women, and help do fundraisers with missions groups and churches-- I LOVE that!

Who or what inspires you? My kids-- when I did my race, I really wanted to be able to run again and be in great shape to play with them. They stilll keep me going. My mom is also an incredible example of mothering-- she persevered and hung in there when I had cancer as a baby and then again when she had breast cancer-- she is amazing! My husband who shows me what real ministry looks like and it doesn't happen in a church.
Is there something you are really passionate about? What is it? Jesus, my husband, my kids, and just life in general-- every day is a new opportunity to live 100%! Also, I love working with other moms-- helping them gain confidence and letting them know they are not alone on this crazy road of motherhood!
What is your favorite quote? "Be strong and courageous" Joshua 1:9
Do you have a favorite joke? You know what? The funniest thing to me is just hearing people laugh-- can't think of a joke.
How may people reach you?
Website: www.mythirtyone.com/beckygardner/
Email: bsharks26@gmail.com
Facebook: Becky Gardner , http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=527845718
Blog: On the Road of Motherhood http://bsharks26.blogspot.com
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Christine Maziarz,
Certified Balloon Artist
Creating Exciting Balloon Memories, LLC
Yep, I'm on Facebook!
Twitter, too! @balloonheart
Serving Southeastern PA
Christine Maziarz,
Certified Balloon Artist
Creating Exciting Balloon Memories, LLC
Yep, I'm on Facebook!
Twitter, too! @balloonheart
Serving Southeastern PA
PA Event Decor, PA School Assembly, PA School Show
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