Hello, all!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I enjoy posting updates here when I am able.
Most of you are aware that my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer last month. This week was his surgery to remove the tumor and a portion of his colon. It went extremely well and with no complications. He even arrived home a day earlier than expected from the hospital!!! Woo hoo!!! We will find out the stage of his cancer by the end of this week and that will let us know what the next stage of treatments will be. All this being said, this is why I am not currently taking bookings. I AM working events that I had booked prior to his diagnosis which is wonderful... as I have a few each month already on the books to look forward to doing.
Yes, my primary concentration right now is to be here for my husband in his recovery and of course, caring for and schooling our daughter. I know you all understand and I appreciate your patience with me during this time. I hope to know by the end of the month when I will have the time to begin taking bookings once again. I need to know I have the time to do the contracts, emails and follow-up phone calls required for bookings.
One of the events I had booked prior to his diagnosis was for this completely fun 40th Anniversary Party on Saturday. While my husband was in the hospital recovering from his surgery, I escaped to this party (yes, he WANTED me to be there). Hubby had his parents, sister and my parents watching over him during the day for me and providing me with continual updates - family is WONDERFUL!!!
I was able to take a few pics from the party.

I made the Bride and Groom Lootles for the head table.

A balloon loop to loop arch for the gift table. I fixed some balloons after taking this but never went back to take a new picture - I had to start twisting balloons! : )

This lovely lady was the very first adult to stand in line for a balloon. She was so very happy to do so and loved her "friendly" spider. Isn't she adorable? Great personality too!
I did take a few other pictures of guests with their balloon creations. Click here to view them all.
Easter Sunday was lovely for our family. We were able to visit my brother in New Jersey where my family all met for the afternoon. I had a little time in the morning to create this Easter Lily for my mother (an excuse to practice my fantasy flowers).

Thank you all for your support, prayers, positive thoughts and for your time in reading this blog. May you be blessed abundantly this week and I look forward to working your future events!
I LOVE the loop to loop arch! And I'm going to google Fantasy Flower. They are so cool!
ReplyDeleteI'm learning new stuff about balloons all the time from you.