Yay! It is Featured Fan Friday. I am pleased to introduce to you, Corinne Leitheiser. Corinne is one of those lovely people that you meet and immediately want to include on all of your party invitation lists - she is super cool and fun to be around. Corinne has an unbelievably infectious smile. Her amazing and beautiful "hair flare" creations are so very popular. One look at them and you know why - check out the creativity in this gal. I"ll be honest, this is one of the most entertaining Featured Fan interviews - take a read and you'll see why.
Are you a dog or a cat person? When I was a little girl, I was all about cats. Now I'm really starting to fall in love with dogs. I would love to get a daschund or as I call them a "hot dog".
What is your favorite pizza topping? There is no food I don't like! So to pick out my favorite is merely impossible...but if I had to pick my favorite topping it would be mushrooms or anything veggie.
What activities did you participate in high school? I played field hockey in high school. I was pretty good, but I hated all the running. What was I thinking? I think I just wanted to be able to wear the short kilt around school all day when we had games that day.
What do you think came first, the chicken or the egg? This always blows my mind! I never can come to a conclusion so I just move on. But I do like to eat both!
Tell us about your family. My family is very small. After my mom and cousin both passing away from cancer and my only grandma suffering from a severe stroke which put her in a nursing home all within the same year...it is just me, my dad (Dave), my brother (Scott), my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jr. We have all been through a very tough 2 years...our family has had it's ups and downs but we all love each other very much. We all realize that life IS just too short.
What would you like readers to know about you personally? I want people to know that I am a really hard worker, a perfectionist and just wanna please other people. Everything I have is from my own hard work and money. I have NEVER had anyone hand me anything.
What is the best part of your job/duties? The best part of my duties is that I can work at my own pace. My whole professional career, working in the medical field, I have had to work at everybody else's pace. Now I get to sit down and really soak in what I'm doing. I am able to take as long as I want to take to create my designs and perfect them with as much detail as I like with nobody telling me to hurry up.

Who or what inspires you? This question is easy! My inspiration since day one has always been my mom and grandma. They are the 2 people in my life who have taught me my love for real flowers and gardening. Since I was a little girl, my mom and grandma were always in the garden and just so proud of their accomplishments when they bloomed. I just love flowers! They make me happy and they are all so beautiful in their own unique way. I wanted to create something just as beautiful that can last forever and never dies. Every flower I design helps me keep my mom and grandma's inspiration alive.

What is your favorite quote? Ha! My whole life is lived by quotes. I have so many I think I speak in quotes. But I do believe my favorite is "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain"
Do you have a favorite joke? I have a bit of a...let just say "raw" sense of humor. So any of my jokes would not be appropriate for this article. :0)
How may people reach you? The best way to reach me is by phone (610-823-8786 ) or email (Rinni83@gmail.com) to speak directly to me about anything their heart's desire...but only if it's about a CornyFlower design or a single, handsome, young man you want me to meet. Ha!

Christine Maziarz,
Certified Balloon Artist
Creating Exciting Balloon Memories, LLC
Yep, I'm on Facebook!
Twitter, too! @balloonheart
Serving Southeastern PA
Certified Balloon Artist
Creating Exciting Balloon Memories, LLC
Yep, I'm on Facebook!
Twitter, too! @balloonheart
Serving Southeastern PA
PA Event Decor, PA School Assembly, PA School Show, Children's Entertainer
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