Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where is Miss Balloon Heart this week?

I am sure at one of my weekly restaurants, this week, a guest will ask this question.

Here is the answer.

This Saturday evening, I am heading out to Vegas for a few incredible days of balloon education. I WILL return to my regularly scheduled restaurants the week of August 16th. While the original event that I was planning to attend was canceled, amazing people in this industry stepped up and put together three days of events with only a few weeks notice. Talk about angels! I will have the opportunity to meet, learn from and "jam" with top balloon professionals. You can say it... I do... I am a BALLOON GEEK. : ) What can I say? I have an incredible job and love every minute of it.

On that "geeky" note, I had some time to practice balloon decor pieces this week and I included pictures of the results at the bottom of this post.

May you all have a WONDERFUL weekend and week! I will post updates on my Facebook Fan page about my trip, as time allows. Also, do not forget about the chance to win a balloon twisting kit from me - click here for details.

As always, thanks for making time to read my blog,

Christine Maziarz
aka Miss Balloon Heart
"Balloon Genie"

 This is a fun column with balloons, light AND fabric - oh my! : )

Floating Flowers


  1. Hey Balloon Geek, thanks for the "nod" on your blog. Looking forward to a great event in Las Vegas next week.

    Safe travels and we will see you VERY soon. Come rested because we are going to wear you out!! :-)

    Mark Zettler, Producer
    The BALLOONstitute - Las Vegas

  2. Very nice balloon flowers, bouquets and cartoons. I really like it and I have never seen such type of nice and beautiful balloons.
    Send Flowers Pakistan


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, comments and inspirations. My request is that all posts remain family-friendly. Have a balloontastic day!